Search Drill

Search Drill

A drill, attached to a video camera and laptop presents an interface able to search SOR codes. The contraption materialises the dynamics of a database query as it automatically monitors, documents and physically responds to residents searching through lists of repairs data. A search, in the form of a typed word or phrase, spins an electric drill in proportion to the number of SOR codes matched in the query. This contraption provided a humorous means to discuss with residents, map, speculate and ask new questions of Lambeth Councils housing management systems.

Part of a series of activites that explore Schedule of Rates (SOR) codes. Such codes are used within Lambeth Councils housing database systems to categorise types of repair such as carpentry or drains. While SOR codes appear to be a minor detail of repairs management a closer examination reveals that they are implicated in multi-million pound repairs contracts, residents frustrations with call centres, and decisions to demolish peoples homes.